New residents or an established resident, this handy
GUIDE is intended to answer many basic questions that we all need to be aware of to make Livingston a great place to live. Established residents, need to be reminded of regulations to avoid negative habits and angry neighbors.
New residents, we welcome you to our Village and hope this guide answers some of your questions to help you settle into the community with more ease.
The Livingston polling place is located at the Fire House, 230 N. Grand Street. Polls open from 7 am to 8 pm. All residents are encouraged to vote.
New residents need to provide proof of residency (light bill, phone bill).
Pick-up Wednesday of each week residents refuse is collected.
All garbage/recyclables must be out to the curb by 7 am. As part of a ECO Grant the village received, residents are required to recycle to reduce the amount of garbage in landfills. All recyclables must be put in a green or blue recycle bin, which can be obtained from the Village office. One bin is provided free of charge, small fee is charged for an additional bin.
The first Saturday in May and the first Saturday in October of each year is for disposal of large items too big for the weekly collection. These items could be from a small home improvement project, appliances, furniture, etc. This collection is held at the Village sewer plant from 8 am to noon. You must haul items to the collection site your-self. A fee is charged for specific items, (i.e. Microwaves, refrigerators, computers, tires).
Sec. 8-1-6 Any residence where the lawn exceeds eight inches in length is a public nuisance. Landowners will be given 48 hours to mow the lawn.
If not in compliance within that time, Village employees will trim the lawn at a cost of $50 per hour, per employee. Sec. 6-2-18 Grass clippings are not allowed to be blown or dumped
in the curb/street where clippings could wash into storm drains causing damage and repairs.
Blow all grass inward, towards your property.
Utiltiy bills are mailed to all residences and businesses by the 10th of each month. Payment is required by last day of the month. Payments can be mailed, paid at Livingston Bank, dropped off to the village during normal office hours or placed in the gold drop off mail slot located under the big window by the village office door. Past due water bills are given a ten day shut off notice. Thereafter a 24 hour notice is given before disconnection, if payment or a payment agreement has not been made with the village.
Check out the village web site and become a member to get e-mails when things are happening within the village that could effect you. Such as: alternate garbage pick up date due to snow storm, flushing of hydrants or a safety concern. You can also advertise your garage sale or check out village happenings!
Residents and visitors are required to use alternate side parking starting Nov. 1st of current year to April 1st, of the following year. All cars should be parking on the odd side of the street on odd numbered days, park on even side of street on even numbered days between the hours of midnight to 7 am. Re: evening of Dec. 3rd park on the EVEN numbered side of the street for Dec.4th. Cars incorrectly parked will be ticketed. Residents are encouraged to avoid parking in the street during winter months whenever possible. There is no parking on center street from 3 am to 7 am during winter months.
Sec. 07-1-20 All dogs are required to be licensed with the village which requires proof of rabies vaccination by April 1st. License must be acquired within five months of residency or ownership of animal. Single residence is only allowed to keep 3 dogs within village limits if animals are kept in an outdoor kennel. Precise kennel regulations are required. Specific breeds are not allowed within village limits. Formal complaints of barking or nuisance dogs will result in a fine by Village Law Enforcement. Dog owners are held responsible for proper care of their pets and proper disposal of animal feces. Dogs should be on a leash when out in public areas and their waste must be picked up and disposed of properly. Cats at this time, are not licensed. Each neutered dog $5/un-neutered $10. Contact the Village office for a more lengthy, detailed description of dog/cat regulations.
Livingston has four public parks. Three of which have bathroom facilities/shelters. It is first come, first serve. Visitors must be out of the parks by 10 pm. Leashed pets are allowed in the park. You must clean up after your pet. The Village asks everyone to respect and be responsible when enjoying the parks. Visitors are required to clean up debris after your gathering. Notify the Village if you notice any destruction of public property.
Sec. 5-2-9 Bon fires, burning barrels, leaf /lawn waste burning is prohibited within the village limits. Small recreational fires or open grilling is the only form of open flames that is allowed. Burning bans are enforced during drought conditions.
First Tuesday of each month from April to November, the village will pick up yard waste. Grass clippings, leaves, flower bed debris and small twigs should be placed in bags and set out next to the curb. DO NOT PLACE in the GUTTER. Tree branch trimmings should be placed next to the curb in a neat pile with branch ends placed together.
The village will not pick up a tree that has been cut down completely. This is considered tree removal and is the responsibility of the homeowner. Leaf pickup is from September through the first Monday of November.
Notices for public meetings, events, board meeting minutes, etc, can all be found on the village community bulletin board located on Center street, as well as the post office, village office window. Make sure you are informed.
Sec. 10-1-32 Residents are prohibited from discarding junk cars, car parts, tires or any other dismantled motorized vehicles or recreational vehicles on their property. Village law enforcement will give a 48 hour notice to remove such nuisances or a fine will be implemented.
Parking Semi tractor trailers, recreational campers/vehicles, etc. are prohibited from parking on any public street within the village limits. Semi tractor/trailers can be parked temporarily on Fayette street behind the Mobil station on Hwy 80.
Contact the Village Office for additional information on any of these regulations.
In office on Mondays & Thursdays 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Available by phone or email Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8:00am to 4:00pm.
Village Phone (608) 943-6800 and Village Email is
[email protected] Mon 1 pm to 6 pm
Wed 12:30 to 7:30 pm
Thur. 9 - noon &1 - 4 pm (Summer hours) and
Sat. 9 - noon (Winter only)
Library Phone (608) 943-6801
Contact Mike Reuter at (608) 642-0463
Non-Emergency (608) 723-2157
Non-Emergency (608) 935-3314 contracted out with the Grant County Sheriff’s Department for approximately 10 to 15 hours a week.
Meeting are the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm. They are located at the Village Office and the public is always welcome.
11 pm curfew for anyone age 16 and under. Parents are fined if children are in violation.
Contact Pastor Greg at (608) 943-6244 if you would like to donate or are in need.
The Firehouse is an American Red Cross approved emergency shelter.
Have a burned out street light in your area. Call ALLIANT ENERGY at 1-800-862-6261